Plants are a source for a variety of medicinal substances. More than 30% of all medications are derived from plant material. Plants are used to produce alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, vitamins, and others. The most widely used medicinal plants are used in folk medicine. The low toxicity of most medicinal plants allows them to be used in the treatment of chronic diseases, for anti-remitting or rehabilitation treatment.
Althea drug — one of the species of the Altai family, is part of the Malvov family. It belongs to perennial grasses ’ yeast plants. Growth region: Europe, Asia, North America and North Africa.
Essential Medicines — root. The roots of Althea are multi-headed. From the main root up to 50 cm away numerous lateral branches of additional roots. Althea contains a high percentage of starch, pectin, carotene, fatty oils, lecithin, mineral salts, amino acids and a large number of mucous membranes. Althea roots have the following properties: to accelerate and improve tissue regeneration, to stimulate and alleviate the expectoration, to remove inflammation, to relieve plaque that arose as a result of inflammation, to shield the irritation of the mucous membrane.
The altea drug usually has a height of 60 cm to 2 m. The leaves of round form, located tiers, the upper tier of velvet to the touch, has a more elongated shape. Stelbel, as a rule, is several, rarely found single. Pay attention to the beautiful inflorescences, due to which the people called "wild roses" ». Flowers are collected in inflorescences at the apex of the stems. They have 5 petals of light pink color and purple stamens. Althea grass blossoms in June-July.
Altene is used: as a remedy for regeneration and healing of wounds in skin diseases, as the most effective cough remedy, as a poisoning agent for inflammation of the throat, in particular with laryngitis, in diseases susceptible to irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, The roots of Althea for the stomach serve as an enveloping agent, in the fight against overweight.
Birch hung - a deciduous tree with a white bark, which is easily split. In the old bark trees in the lower part of the barrels are black and gray, with cracks. The branches are usually hung, hence the name - « weeping birch ». Young shoots are red-brown, naked, covered with tarry glands. The buds are straight, bare. Leaves alternate, with a wide wedge-shaped base, toothed edges, young leaves sticking. Flowers are isolated, collected in inflorescences of earrings. Fruit - a winged nut with two tufted wings. Blossoms in the spreading of leaves in May.
Composition: Preparations made from birch buds contain essential oils, flavonoids, tannins, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, saponins, resins, carotene and hyperoside.
The immortal refers to perennial grasses of "juniper" plants. The immortal has a silvery color and flower baskets in the form of balls at the apex of the stems. The immortal can grow up to 30 cm in height. It grows on fields, roadside, in sandy and pine forests.
The immortal has many therapeutic properties that allow it to be used in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases. It can serve as a choleretic and antispasmodic agent, stimulate the stomach, increase the secretion of bile and reduce the level of & rsquo; sensitivity. In addition, it raises arterial pressure, has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action, tones the body as a whole. Therapeutic plant for immortals is also used as a prophylactic & mdash; grass lowers cholesterol and bilirubin in the blood.
The hole is a shrub or small trees with shoots covered with spines. Leaves alternate, with stitches, short, with large teeth; inflorescences - thick, multicolored shields. Dried: Hawthorn fruits — apple-shaped, solid, wrinkled, top with a ring-shaped rim, with 1-5 bones in m ’ fetal horns. The color of the fruits is from yellow-orange and brownish-red to dark brown or black.
Ingredients: Hawthorn fruits contain organic acids, sugars, sorbitol, pectic gin (1,9-6,1%), ascorbic acid (18-100 mg%), b-carotene (0,4-2,7 mg% ), vitamin K, phenolic compounds (anthocyanins - up to 1200 mg%, leucoanthocyanins - 400-1500 mg%), catechins, flavonols, phenol acids, coumarins (0,7-3,4%), sterols, triterpene acids (ursolovy) , oleanol)
The red rowan can be found in nature in the form of a tree (up to 15 m), or a bush. Fruits - berry-shaped, in the form of a ball, orange-red, approximately in size from peas, bitter and astringent to taste. They mature in September and do not fall before the winter, but remain on the tree even in winter. From the effects of frost, the rowanberry red fruits lose their bitterness and astringency, acquire a pleasant sweet taste.
Wild pear is inferior to the taste of the fruits of its cultivated brothers, most of which, incidentally, the pear is the wildlife of the ancestor. However, the medicinal properties of the fruits of the wild is much superior to breeding varieties and deservedly popular in folk medicine.
They are perennial grasses and yew plants. Rhizome has five-tailed flowers with a bright yellow color and black-brown dots on the bottom of the petal. They are combined into inflorescences, which resemble a tick-bite broom.
Icelandic moss (Icelandic lichen) - a natural lichen, which is a branched bush with a layer of leaves (according to folk doctors, quite reminiscent of deer horns). At an altitude, the Icelandic moss can reach 12 centimeters, the width is 20 centimeters, although its traditional dimensions are about 7-15 centimeters, usually the branches of the lichen are twisted. The color of the Icelandic moss is brownish-green with white spots.
Nine hundred is a grassy perennial herb to a height of 1.5 meters, with a mild, short, multi-headed rhizome, from which a few thick roots leave. Flowers are yellow, tongue and tubular, collected in large baskets at the ends of the stems and branches.
All parts of the dandelion are a source of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances. The root of the plant, by the end of the summer, accumulates many useful chemical compounds, such as selenium, zinc and copper.
The Corn Variety belongs to the Cereal family. Corn is considered an ancient plant, which was cultivated by man more than 8 thousand years ago in Mexico. Corn is a one-year-old one-year plant. Stems are erect knotted, with a core. Leaves alternate, broadly-laced, vaginal. Male flowers are in myelki, female flowers - in the daisies, where long filiform green or cherry-brown columns with eyelets are hung from. Plant height up to 3 meters. Fibrous vegetation around corn cobs is called corn stalks.
Birch is an ordinary perennial plant in Ukraine. Characteristic representative of family and genus in moderate latitudes - birch European or white. Shiny leathery leaves of this species are painted in a dark green color, they are lighter on the lower side. The shape is rhombic-ovoid, the edge is silky. The dissolving of sticky young birch leaves of European coincides with the time of flowering of the tree.
Birch leaves are rich in biologically active substances, contains betal-phenols, acids, esters, flavonoids, coumarins, hyperoside, routine, tannins, vitamins C, E, PP, carotene, etc. Young birch leaves have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antimicrobial, diuretic, analgesic, antispasmodic, choleretic action; interferes with salt deposition in the joints. Preparations of birch leaves are used in the case of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder, violations of mineral metabolism.
A perennial grassy plant over 10-20 cm tall with a creeping rhizome. Early in spring there appear bright yellow baskets with tongue (along the edges) and tubular (in the middle) flowers. After flowering begin to develop large basaltic leaves. Below the leaves are whitewashed from the pubescence, and bare from the top. Blossoms in March-May. The fruit is a family tree. Growing on the clay slopes, in ravines, along the banks of rivers and lakes, on the outskirts of alder marshes. Shadow-tolerant plant. Blossoms in March - April. Distributed almost throughout Ukraine
Medicinal raw materials are leaves, they are harvested after maturation of the seeds. Collect flowers of this plant in the early spring. Leaves and flowers contain bitter glucoside, essential oils, inulin, tannins and mucous substances. Oral suppression is commonly used as a means for respiratory diseases, cough, as an expectorant. In folk medicine, leaflets are used together with flowers in the form of napara during pulmonary diseases, as an easy diaphoretic, with catarrh of the stomach and intestines, diuretic bladder, with renal diseases. During non-burning, juice is squeezed out of fresh leaves in the nostrils.
Usually have a short rhizome, planted with thin corded roots. Leaves are collected in the rootlet socket, petiolate. Peduncles erect, silly. Some types of flower stems are branched, oblivious. Flowers are small, unpretentious, collected in a thick end ear or head. Fruit is a multi-seeded box. Pollution occurs by wind.
A large plantain and plantain fleas are valuable medicinal plants, even introduced into culture. Plantains have hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects - it is known that the leaves of this plant are applied to the wound for rapid healing, as well as for pulling manure from the chears. In addition, the leaves and fruits of plantains have a lot of mucus, and preparations from them work well on the stomach and intestines, removing inflammation and enveloping, that is, have anti-inflammatory action.
The wormwood is a perennial plant belonging to the Aster's family. Recognized as the most bitter plant in the world. It is characterized by a silvery-gray color and a specific smell. The whole plant is pubescent with short hairs of silver color, which adhere tightly to the stem. Leaves are tiers: from below - triangular-rounded, split, with long petioles. In the middle - much less, with a shorter petiole. The top is small, tightly planted on the stem. The stalk is bush, branched, up to 1.5 m high. Flowers are not speckled, small, yellowish-green, collected in the inflorescence of the valley.
Composition: the grass of the bitter worm contains an essential oil of 0.5-2%, consisting of sesquiterpene alcohols, sesquiterpene alcohols, thiol alcohol, ketone thujone, ketolactones monocyclic, flavonoids (artemisetin and others), tannin substances, lignans, organic acids , carotene, vitamins C, B6. Pharmacological action: stimulates appetite, reflexively stimulates the activity of the digestive system, increases secretion of bile, pancreatic and gastric juice, reveals anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties.
In modern medicine, worms are used in gastroenterological diseases associated with secretory insufficiency of the gastrointestinal tract. Polynya bitterness and other components enhance secretory activity, increase salivation, promote the secretion of the gastric enzyme, increase the amount of bile released in the intestine. Effective wormwood worms from worms and parasitic microorganisms. Pellet bitter improves the state of the nervous system, detects cardiotonic, anti-inflammatory action, stimulates nonspecific immunity, activates healing of mucous membranes.
The heartbeat is a perennial herb of a grapevine plant of gray color (from a dense pubescence).
Pyatipal - this perennial plant belongs to the Rosaceae family and has a large fleshy root. The healing properties of the pyatipala are expressed in astringent, antibacterial, wound healing, antiseptic and hemopathic, antitumor effects. Preparations from the root of the plant - equalizes the hormonal balance in the body, normalizes the function of the thyroid gland and enhances diuresis, are used to prevent or treat diseases of the liver, cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, stomach ulcers, gout, rheumatism, jaundice, dysentery, diarrhea, as slightly lowering pressure. It is also known that Potentilla white exhibits antibacterial activity, promotes the resorption of soft tumors, nodules, improves the structure of hair and nails.
Common beans are an annual plant. Has a loose stalk, flowers are white, pink, purple. In medicine, only beak leaflets are used. Their harvesting is carried out only from plants whose beans have a white-yellow or straw-yellow color.
Field horsetail grows on all continents. This is a perennial plant, whose stems can reach up to 25 cm, with spores. After maturation of the spores, these stems die, and instead of them grow long branched stems (up to 60 cm). They contain silicic acid crystals, and because of this are rough to the touch.
Composition: elderberry flowers contain glycosides sambunigrine and routine, essential oils, organic acids (coffee, valerian, apple, chlorogenic), tannin substances, ascorbic acid. Pharmacological action: show diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic and mild exhaled effect.
In nature there are more than 40 varieties of lindens, as well as about 100 hybrids. Most trees are large, deciduous, reaching 30-40 m in height. Have a powerful root system. Limit age of plants is 150 years. Less common individuals who have reached 300 years or more.
The queue is an annual herbaceous medicinal herb in the height of 0.15-0.60 m. It belongs to the Sklannotsvith family. The root system is strongly branched, the rhizome is located close to the surface of the soil, the outside of the roots are thin and weak. The leaves of the queue are opposite, with short petioles loose, divided into 3 parts, dark green. Flowers are small, tubular, yellow or golden, inflorescences collected in a basket, single. Located at the end of the stem. Fruit - germ, with 2-4 spike-hooks. Flowering in July-September, the fruits ripen in August-September.
Celandine is a perennial plant of the Poppy family, which highlights on the line of stem breaking, leaves and pedicels a rich yellow or orange juice, which resembles milk in consistency. The flowering period of the celandine is very long - from the end of May to the beginning of September. Prefers soils with high nitrogen content, likes the shade.
Aronia Blackhead or Rhode Island Blackhead - a bush of pink family 1-2.5 m tall. Leaves are simple, whole, shiny, regular, petiolate, elliptical or ovate, pointed, with edges of the silk, dark green on the top, lighter on the lower side, 2.5-7 × 2.5-3.5 cm; the petioles are short and do not fall apart. Flowers are bisexual, regular, 5-petal, white or pink, fragrant, in tincture inflorescences. The blooming plant is from the middle of May almost until the end of June. Fruits are reached in August-September. The fruit is pubescent, in the time of ripeness of the naked, roundish, black or plum color with a shimmering hair, juicy, 6-12 mm in diameter
Useful properties of wild rose, or wild roses, have been noticed for a long time. More than two thousand years ago, "the father of medicine" Hippocrates found that the hips are useful: it is a good anti-inflammatory drug. During the Middle Ages, the healing effect of hips in hemoptysis was valued. Avicenna was convinced of the healing properties of the hipster for the liver and stomach. Today, hips are best known as a means of promoting the splitting of stones in the kidneys. Also, the hipster has medicinal properties for the liver Rapshina - a rather mild remedy used to clean the liver.
Elder black is a perennial bush belonging to the Adoxian family, or Adoxaceae. Stems are branched, young branches are initially green, and then change the color to gray-brown. Leaves are petiolate, mild and odorless. Flowers have yellow-white color, fragrant aroma and small size. The period of flowering of black elderberry comes at the end of May and beginning of June. The elderberry fruit is a black and purple berry The medical properties of black elder have long been known in folk medicine. The number of medicinal and beneficial properties of black elder is due to the presence of a wide spectrum of bioactive substances in the berries of this plant: tyrosine, vitamin C, sugar, carboxylic acids, tyrosine, micro and macro elements in the form of iron, calcium, selenium, zinc and copper, as well as various esters It has a very good ability to suppress bacterial and viral infections, and also relieves the body of all toxins by sweat. The peculiarity of elderberry is the excretion of toxins from the body, slags in the form of salts of heavy metals and radionuclides. Fruit broth successfully alleviates symptoms of stomach ulcer and hepatitis. This broth is great for sweetening with gynecological problems.
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Medical plants from KARMALIUK LLC
Altey (root)
Altey (grass)
Birch buds
Pharmacological action: detect diuretic, choleretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, expectorant, antiviral and antiparasitic properties.
Dry Gladiolus
Pharmacological action: enhance blood supply to the coronary vessels of the heart and vessels of the brain, increase the sensitivity of the myocardium to the cardiac glycosides, slightly increase the reduction of cardiac mR and decrease the excitability of the latter, have a calming effect, normalize arterial pressure.
The red rowan
Ripe berries contain organic acids (apple, sorbic, citric, amber, wine), tannins and pectins, amino acids, sorbitol and sorbose, essential oils, vitamin C and PP, salts of calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium. Vitamin P in the mountain ash makes this plant very useful. Its value is that it strengthens the nervous system, eliminates irritability, insomnia and general weakness of the body. The rowan red in traditional medicine is used as a multivitamin, hemostatic and diuretic drug.
Pear dried wild
This wild variety is rich in vitamins A, a group of vitamins B, as well as E, C, P, and PP. In addition to vitamins, fruits contain ascorbic, citric, apple and folic acid, as well as glucose, sucrose, fructose, a variety of trace elements. There are many metals in the race: zinc, copper, nickel, molybdenum, iodine, manganese, iron, fluoride, so its fruits are often used to treat anemia and the thyroid gland when the body lacks its own nutrient stores. Therapeutic broth from wild pear is an indispensable remedy for stomach disorders. Dried pear pear is an excellent prophylactic for diseases of the circulatory system, especially for strengthening capillaries due to vitamin P, which increases the permeability of the walls of the vessels.
Composition: the herb of the St. John's wort contains tannin substances (10-12%), flavonoids (hyperoside, routine, quercitrin, myrcetin, leucoanthocyanin), saponins, dyes (gipericin - 0,1-0,4%, pseudogipericin, giperin, franguaelamodinantranol), oil ethereal (0,2-0,3%), resinous substances (17%), carotene, ascorbic acid.
Herb of St. John's wort has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscle of the whole body and blood vessels, stimulates regeneration processes. Also claimed are its astringent, diuretic, hardening, hemostatic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory beneficial properties.
Icelandic moss (tsetarria)
Moss has a lot of useful properties that made it indispensable in folk medicine. Icelandic moss helps to cope with such ailments as tuberculosis, asthma, softens cough, relieves toothache and inflammation of the tonsils. The beneficial effect is also noticeable in the use of decoctions and tincture of the lichen, for example, they relieve stomach cramps, activate the digestive process, cleans bile ducts. Regular use of Icelandic moss increases appetite, solves insomnia problems.
The root of the nails
Ingredients: rhizomes and roots of deception contain polysaccharides (inulin - up to 44%, pseudoinulin, inulinin), resins, stomach, traces of alkaloids, saponins, organic acids, essential oils (up to 4,3%), which include bicyclic sesquiterpene lactones, allantoin, proazulin and a-tocopherol
Pharmacological action: have expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, choleretic, diuretic, tonic effect, normalize motor and secretory functions of different parts of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the activity of the inflammatory process in the stomach.
Dandelion root
The beneficial properties of the root of the dandelion depend on its chemical composition. There are minerals in it (calcium, phosphorus, iron), vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, organic resins, tannins.
Dandelion root has a beneficial effect on the health of the liver, protecting it from negative factors and normalizing its work. The whole thing is in inulin, which is a vegetable insulin containing this plant. It is for this reason that its use is welcomed to those people who suffer from diabetes mellitus. In addition to the above, in the root of the dandelion contains many other beneficial properties: rubber, resins, triterpene compounds, carbohydrates, mucus, proteins, fatty oils and so on. These substances have a positive effect on increasing the appetite of a person, cleaning blood from negative factors, increasing breast milk, reducing the appearance of spasms.
Corn sticks
Ingredients: corn stalks contain saponins (up to 3.18%), tannin substances, bitter glycosides (up to 1.5%), flavonoids, alkaloids (up to 0.5%), essential oils (up to 0.12%), oily fat (up to 2.5%), sterols (stigmasterol, sitosterol), vitamins K and C, trace elements and other substances. Fibers of corn stigmas contain a variety of vitamins, proteins, saponins, essential oils, selenium and ascorbic acid, as well as many other useful elements.
Pharmacological action: have choleretic, diuretic, hemostatic and hypoglycemic effects. When used inside, there is an increase in secretion of bile, decrease its viscosity, decrease in the content of bilirubin, increase in the content of prothrombin in the blood and accelerate its coagulation. Due to the composition rich in useful minerals and other substances, corn stalk can be used in the treatment of a number of diseases. Infusions and decoctions on the basis of these fibers have therapeutic properties and allow: to improve metabolism in the body; reduce blood sugar levels; stabilize the liver; to strengthen the process of formation of bile; reduce appetite; soothe the nervous system.
Birch leaves
Mother and stepmother leaves
The hole
Ingredients: herb herb contains alkaloids leongurine and leonuridine (up to 0.4%), amine stahidrine, flavonoids (quinqueloside, routine, quercetin and others), saponins, tannin substances (about 5%), essential oils (up to 0.05% ), organic acids (apple, wine, lemon, ursolov, vanillin, r-kurkumov), bitter and sugary matter, vitamins (A, E, C), mineral salts (potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur) and the nature of the action on the human body is close to the valerian preparations. Pharmacological action: has expressed sedative, antispasmodic and antihypertensive properties, slows down the heart rate, increases the power of cardiac contractions.
As a result of the research, it has been proved that the herb of the desintegrate stabilizes the cardiac rhythm and strengthens the myocardium, exhibits antispasmodic and anticonvulsant effects, lowers blood pressure, blood glucose, pyruvic acid and lactic acid, stabilizes protein metabolism and removes excess fats. Pustrynik is effective for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, especially in stomach cramps and catarrh of the large intestine. It has diuretic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Herbal herb soothes in nervous disorders, insomnia, hysteria, psychasthenia, vegetative vascular dystonia, thyrotoxicosis. In addition, pustrynik slows down and stabilizes the cardiac rhythm, enhances the contraction of the myocardium in tachycardia, coronary heart disease, myocarditis, cardiosclerosis and angina, heart failure in stages 1-3.
Pyatipal root
Beans hinges
Ingredients: Beetroot leafs contain betaine, arginine, lysine, tryptophan, tyrosine, leucine, asparagine, choline, hemicellulose (45-50%), macro- and trace elements (silicon, copper, cobalt, nickel,). Pharmacological action: the drug has diuretic, hypoglycemic, vasodilator, improves metabolism in the body.
Beans are used for making decoctions, tinctures, liquid and dry extracts, teas. Due to the presence in the composition of flavones and arginine drugs on their basis adjust the carbohydrate metabolism and reduce the level of sugar. They affect the body like insulin. Studies confirm that the healing properties of beans are detected only in the case of lung (or moderate) forms of diabetes mellitus in elderly patients. It is necessary to adhere to the appropriate diet. Due to the diuretic properties of beans it is used to remove excess fluid from the body, unloading the cardiovascular system. Diuretic action is due to the presence of phaeosolin. Beans activate the secretion of gastric juice, as well as relieves pain in diseases of the pancreas.
Composition: the field horsetail contains flavonoids (quercetin, isoveccin, campferol, luteolin, ekvizetrin), saponin equivetonin (up to 5%), carotene, ascorbic acid (up to 0.19%), silicon (up to 25%), aconite, apple, oxalic acid, butter fat (up to 3.5%), bitter, tannin and resinous substances, mineral salts. Pharmacological action: used as diuretic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antihypertensive. It has been experimentally discovered that the field horsetail has a detoxifying effect, in particular, it helps to remove lead from the body.
Field field shows first and foremost anti-inflammatory and diuretic action. Diuretic effect is observed from the first day of admission. In the presence of edema of cardiac etiology, diuresis doubles. Also, the horsetail is indicated for swelling of the renal origin The efficiency of the horsetail against inflammation and bacteria is proved. Therefore, the field horsetail is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the bladder and urinary tract. Also, the plant cleanses the body, removes lead. The decay of the herb of the horsetail normalizes phosphorus-calcium metabolism. The healing properties of the field horsetail are also manifested in the fact that due to the presence of silicon substances it complicates the formation of urinary stones.
Dried elder flower
Flowers of elderberry black are used during the treatment and prevention of colds and flu: they have diuretic, expectorant effect, contribute to increased perspiration, preparations on their basis are able to heat, have anti-inflammatory and calming effects, increase immunity in general. Infusions and teas from flowers of elderberry black promote the treatment of pleurisy, pneumonitis, bronchitis, tracheitis and other similar diseases, removing inflammation. Infusions, vascular flower vents are useful in treating throat diseases - tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis: they take off inflammation. Assist also in case of defeat of the mucous membrane of the mouth - stomatitis.
Lime blossom dried
Flowers yellowish or cream, collected in inflorescences by 2-5. Flowering begins on the 20th year of life of the tree, falls on July. Flowers of this plant are widely used as medicinal raw materials. The flower collection is carried out from 1 to 4 days of flowering. During this period they contain the maximum amount of active substances.
Flowers are rich in ascorbic acid, talicins, carotene and flavonoids. Used as decoctions and infusions. Removes cramps, pain, urine and sweat from the body, removes inflammation. The lipstick rinse the throat, use it for colds, with it help to relieve headaches. Flowers of lindens eliminate pathogenic bacteria in the human body, reduce heat, remove sputum.
Ingredients: grass trailer contains flavonoids (luteolin-D-hlyukopiranozyd, buteyin, sulfuretyn, D-hlyukopiranozyd buteyinu), substances condensed tannins (up 6.5%), carotene, coumarin (umbelliferone and scopoletin), ascorbic acid (60-70 mg %), essential oil (traces), mucus, amines, bitterness, g-lactones, micronutrients
Pharmacological action: detects diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, choleretic and bactericidal action, improves digestion, normalizes impaired metabolism.
The queue has a diuretic effect, excretes urine with metabolic waste and sodium chloride. Provides protective effect on the kidneys and suppresses inflammation in the bladder. Stimulates the production and secretion of bile, protects the liver. It also detects anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, hemorrhage, wound healing, diaphoretic properties. Improves metabolism and digestion. Enhances cardiac rhythm, reduces pressure, and displays sedative effect.
Composition: grass celandine contains alkaloids and other nitrogen-containing compounds (up to 2%), carotene (up to 14.9 mg%), organic acids (citric, succinic, apple), ascorbic acid (up to 170 mg%), saponins, flavonoids, ether (0.01), tannin substances (2.09-7.64%), acid chelidonov, higher aliphatic alcohol of chelidoniool. Pharmacological action: has a choleretic, antispasmodic, analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory (bactericidal), diuretic and laxative action.
As herbal medicine is one of the few plants whose antitumor action is proven by science. Delays the development of even malignant tumors and effectively kills bacteria-pathogens of tuberculosis. Has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, analgesic effect. Eliminates spasm, cramps and suppresses the livelihoods of pathogenic microorganisms, acts like a light laxative. Requires careful application due to high activity and poisoning. Cleanser is prescribed for the treatment of the liver, pancreas, gall bladder, ulcers of the stomach. In particular: hepatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, ulcerative nonspecific colitis, pancreatitis, intestinal polyposis and stomach. Recommended external use for burning long wounds, warts and skin tuberculosis.
Black ridge (Aronia)
Military Mountain Ridge helps to normalize pressure in any case. Also, an arony can be recommended for hypotension and hypertonia in the treatment of other diseases and not be afraid of side effects. This is important, since the fruits of the rowanberry are used to increase immunity, normalize the intestines, activate bile excretion, improve liver function, endocrine system, etc. The plant removes heavy metal salts, eliminates excess cholesterol, is indicated for rheumatism, arthritis, and can stop bleeding.
The plant contains a lot of trace elements and vitamins. In particular, vitamins C, K, B, E. It contains iodine, zinc, tannins, pectins, organic acids. The rowan is rich in manganese, iron, copper, fluorine, molybdenum, boron, which are responsible for the normalization of pressure. Means based on the aronia of the anthrax are good for the condition of the vessels. At long reception high pressure decreases, and low - raises. They are allowed to be used for treatment, regardless of the stage of the disease, or for prophylaxis.
Raisin is dried
Elderberry berries are dried
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