
In the grain of buckwheat contains from 10% to 15% (on average 13.1%) of protein, 67.8% of carbohydrates, 3.1% of oils, 2.8% of ash, 13.1% of fiber. In the buckwheat protein, soluble globulins and glutenins predominate, so it is better absorbed and more nutritious than the protein of cereal crops (approaching the quality of the legumes of leguminous cultures). It contains many essential amino acids: arginine (12.7%), lysine (7.9%), cystine (1%), histidine (0.59%), and others. Buckwheat ash contains a lot of phosphoric acid (48.7%), potassium oxide (23.1%) and magnesium oxide (12.4%). By the content of iron (1.7%) it prevails other cereals, and also rich in copper.



Winter rye is an important food and feed culture. The grain contains 9-15% protein, about 81% of carbohydrates and vitamins of groups A, B, E, PP. Rye flour is used for baking different kinds of bread. Bake bread from a mixture of rye and wheat flour. Rye bread is characterized by high calorie content and the biological value of protein is predominant wheat. Rye protein, as compared with wheat, contains more essential amino acids, especially lysine. In rye bread contains unsaturated fatty acids, which can dissolve cholesterol in the human body. Therefore it is recommended to be used by the elderly.



Oats contain a significant amount of proteins and carbohydrates, useful fats (unsaturated fats and linoleic acid), vitamins, minerals and trace elements. This makes it an excellent source of energy, it prevents the feeling of fatigue caused by low levels of glucose.

This grain crop is an excellent source of vitamins B, vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin D. It also contains minerals, such as calcium, which prevents osteoporosis. Oats are rich in iron, which helps deliver oxygen to the tissues of the body. Along with this, oats contain zinc, which plays a key role in the functioning of insulin.



Wheat is not only the most important food but also fodder crop. Almost half of all crop is spent on feed needs. This is a herbaceous annual plant, 50-150 cm high. Sometimes winter and spring. Today there are many varieties of wheat. Conditionally, they can be divided into hard and soft species. Solid varieties of wheat from the top near the ear are thick-walled, filled with dense mass, straw. In soft crops, on the contrary, the straw is thin-walled and the whole length is empty. Fat wheat grade 5. Forage for farm animals. Forage grain Grain grades Depending on the quality, according to GOST, hard and soft varieties of wheat are divided into different classes of grain. Grain of solid varieties has 5 subunits, and soft ones - 6. All classes except 5 and 6 are used for food purposes. Higher, 1st and 2nd class of wheat refers to strong varieties that can be used both independently and as an amplifier of weak varieties during baking. Grade 3 is considered very valuable. The food industry is used independently and does not need to be improved. Grade 4 wheat can be used in the food industry and bakery only after its improvement by higher grades. 5-6 grades of wheat grain belong to the "fodder". Grading according to the classes of quality in this standard is carried out on indicators of gluten, moisture, protein (except class 5), density, contamination by pests, harmful, grain and garbage impurities. In determining the quality of feed forage, first of all, the level of its condition (content of dry matter, crude protein, exchange energy, crude fiber, phosphorus, calcium, etc.) is taken into account.



This affordable and traditional product is a source of a large amount of vitamins and trace elements. Whey is the main supplier of plant proteins and carbohydrates. Rich fiber content provides the work of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body from slags, toxins, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. Whey is also among those products that in the process of digestion increase the alkaline reaction of the body, which increases the immunity and promotes health and longevity.


Fodder corn

The most popular as a concentrated feed for farm animals around the world is corn fodder, whose price is fully consistent with its high nutritional qualities.
Among the main differences of fodder corn from other cereal feeds:

  • High content of carbohydrates and starch (up to 70%),
  • a high percentage of fat (up to 8%),
  • Protein content is about 9-10%.
Among all grain cereals, experts recommend the purchase of feed corn, because it is an ideal feed for farm animals.

Fodder corn


Single and perennial herbaceous plants with straw stems 50 - 110 cm long. Fruit is a grain (foam or bare).
Commonly grown barley (Hordeum vulgare) is widespread, other species are rarely grown or grow wild.
The barley genus (Hordeum L.) brings together about 30 species (according to various data 18 - 50), among which there is only one cultural species - barley sowing (Hordeum sativum Jessen.) (2n-14), all others - perennial and annuals of wild rose barley with a set of chromosomes 2n-14, 28, 48. Common in Europe, Asia, America, North Africa. There are 7 species in Ukraine, 2 of them in culture. There are and growing winter and spring form of barley. Chemical composition The content of starch in beans is 75%, proteins are almost 10%. Barley contains 8 essential amino acids.



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